6 Months old. Half a year already!!
You are into everything. I tried so hard to get your 6 month photo's
all you wanted to do was eat the paper and chew your teddy bears
your such a cutie...but will not sit still!
who would have thought paper would taste so good??
or teddy bear ears
you kept crawling away
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and finally came after the camera LOL
Pure sweetness, I love how you suck your little thumb if you have had enough milk to fall asleep
at the begining of the month you started crawling for two moves and then would leap forward
placing a nappy under you helped you scoot around a little easier, by the end of the month you were crawling properly! By far the quickest of our family! Now you are into everything!
I got these beautiful tutu's made by a friend of mine in America. You and your sisters all have matching ones. You love the tule and want to suck it. I could not get you to look up!
not impressed as I pulled it out of your mouth for a photo
off you go... you can also get yourself back up into a sitting position from the floor
unfortunately sometimes you still fall over and bang your poor litttle head
wearing the gorgeous dress!
You got your first tooth at 5 and a half months and your second one a week later. The first one made you cry on and off for a few days but the 2nd one wasn't too bad. Now you have teeth you have figured out how to bite!
We have had so much rain this year. We've had lots of flooding. Behind you is the Nepean river. It was up quite a bit. We went down to have a look (Ewan was with Dad)
One weekend we got mattresses out and watched some movies. You had so much fun rolling around on them. I think they helped you figure out how to roll the opposite way. You started rolling everywhere on them. How much does everyone still love you and want to be with you!! So much.
At playgroup you and Michael are growing
Your wearing Essence's denim skirt here. It got hot but I didn't have any other pants for you!
Gorgeous smiles.This little outfit is so cute. My Nan bought it for you.
You had your first taste of food this month. Here you are eating for the first time. A piece of pear. You liked it...kinda...your still so young so not food for you everyday
So far you seem to be like the others and not too interested. You still love the breastmilk.
We are loving the ergo now. You will fall asleep on my back all the time. You much prefer being in it on my back than on the front. We mow the lawn togther, cook, clean, shop and exercise just like this. Loving the ergo!
We had a few visits with the Edwards'
It was so hard trying to get a picture of you and Zeph. You both kept crawling off!
Two little friends
I changed your wardrobe over again. Into size 0's already
I believe that your are the cutest little Ezaria in the whole wide world!!
Your smile melts my heart
At 6 months you weigh 8.2kgs
You can roll over in both directions
You can crawl
You can sit up from laying down
You have tried food
You love laughing at your brothers and sisters - especially Essence and Ewan
You have learnt you can throw things on the ground and someone will pick them up for you
You have two teeth
You can bite
You will cry if I leave the room especially if you see me leaving the room.
You love being with your mummy :)