Children too are a gift from YHVH; the fruit of the womb is a reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed when contending with foes at the city gate. Psalms 127:3-7

Saturday, May 5, 2012

7 Months

 7 Months old little one!!
 Not even possible to get a photo of you sitting still anymore. I am bribing you with the breastfeeding necklace that you love (thanks Donna)
 and you just want to eat it and play

Your one gorgeous girl
We went away for a girls weekend with 3 of my school friends. You were the only child.
You saw the beach for the first time. We went for a walk, just you and me, along the water. You feel asleep straight away watching the waves

You felt the ocean for the first time

You cried! I think it was a little bit of a cold shock!

Our first Mum and daughter weekend

Cuddles with Hayley

You sure do get lots of cuddles! Your brothers and sisters still fight over who gets to cuddle you. You and Esse sitting outside while I hang out the wash.

Love this face! You have been trying more food but still don't eat. You like to play with it for a while and mush it in

and you love to chew on the spoons

You've also learnt that if you drop things over the edge they fall on the floor...and then someone will pick them up for you to do again
 You had your first bath like a big girl without me. You are not afraid and crawled all around. It's still easier if I jump in with you but at least you can hop in with the girls if needed.
 Pumpkin face. I love the faces you pull.
Hanging out at playgroup
 with Michael
I made you a love it
My Aunty Lynne crocheted you a little blanket
At speech for Esse you crawled over to the mirror to chat to yourself. So very cute.
This month you went on your first camping trip.
We took along the portacot so you could crawl around. It made a good play pen although you preferred to be out of it!
 You went for a ride (with me, I just out you on Ethan's lap for the photo)

It was way too hot to sleep in the tent so you slept out in the fresh air

Cuddles with Leticia
I got you one of the food nets which you love. Here you are with some watermelon
Dinner time. Tomato and avocado
Bath time in the tub
Not the best photo but maybe the only one with your me and  your Dad
Aunty Sarah and the girls
 You love jumping now and jump faster when we cheer you on

 Football season has started back you are with Ewan for your first ever football game

You are so adorable
 You also went on your first bike ride
 One night your Dad and I were sitting on the lounge chatting when we heard a slurping noise, we looked down and it was you! You had found an apple core (your Dad had just put down) and really enjoyed it.
Here you are with Uncle 
Biggest sister and baby sister
 just the girls
You love crawling around outside. You get so dirty though. Look at that cheeky grin.
It is so hard to get a photo of you sitting still, it is always mid- movement!
Baby sister and middle sister
Standing up
On your tip toes trying to reach the barbie car.

At 7 months you weigh 8.62 kgs
You still have two teeth but your top teeth are cutting
You can crawl very very fast
You can pull yourself up into a standing position and can let go and balance with one hand
You can clap your hands
You love playing in the dirt
You are into pulling things off any shelf you can reach
You like to put everything in your mouth
You don't eat food really but will have a try
You love being held
You notice if I leave the room.
You are extremely cute!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVED all the photos and faces of Zari !! She is just adorable and you can see she is a sweet character just from the photos too!! You also look SO skinny mama! Woah!!!! She is growing up so fast , already standing ! You're just beautiful Zari girl!! LUV DONNA


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