Children too are a gift from YHVH; the fruit of the womb is a reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed when contending with foes at the city gate. Psalms 127:3-7

Friday, July 27, 2012

10 Months

My little princess, your 10 months old!
You can put your arms up when you want to be picked up
 As soon as I put you down you were off
 I tried to bribe you with a light
 a little ballerina perhaps??
 blurry photo's because you move so much
a cute baby bottom
 Your cute little flannie pjs
 your fringe is so long it needs to be tied up all the time so it won't get in your eyes...this is what it looks like though once it starts to come out!
 I turned your seat around in the car this month as you were getting big and still hated it. You still don't like it though!
 The school holidays were this month. We went to the park with Leanne and her boys
 You are so at home with lots of kids, you love all the attention
 You still love your baths especially when you get to hop in and play with whatever toys you like...without your big sisters helping
 You learnt to climb this month. such joy. You even clapped yourself when you climbed up onto this chair.
 At the park with all the kids. You get to sot with the mothers and climb all over the bikes
 You also had your first proper vomit. We were all sick one week and you threw up all over me and the bed. Just the once and you were fine afterwards.
 Just the girls
 Out for dinner
 you have 5 teeth now. I got this banana toothbrush/teether that you love
 We went to Oberon to celebrate Zephs first birthday
At the cafe you pushed this car around everywhere
 playing with musical intstruments at the farm
 Your favourite toy still. You also use this to stand up on even though its so close to the ground! You also use it as a walker.
 Look at that happy face! Shopping at costco. You only lasted in here for about 2 minutes until I gave up and put you in the ergo.
 Three gorgeous girls ready to go to playgroup. Your sisters adore you and you them!
 Lots of helpers to help you walk
 This was your first ever time in the sandpit. At first you were unsure but then you liked it. You didn't even put any in your mouth!
 You have been standing alone (pulling up on things but then letting go) and have taken your first step this month. I think you will be walking pretty soon!
 Off we all go to the football.
 You love your daddy. He was stroking your hair and you were just laying there so still with this peaceful look on your face (of course when I grabbed the camera you looked up).
 You have such a knowing that I often forget you are so young! You can push this pram around wherever you want. You lift it to go up a little bump and can turn it anyway you like.
 We all clap you when you let go so now you do it all the time and clap yourself
 Ezaria you are so cute and bring us ALL so much JOY

At 10 months you weigh 9.4kgs
You can say mumma, dadda, bubba, up, yes, ta and your most common erh!
You can sign the word milk
You learnt how to drink out of a straw
Your favourite food is probably hot chips (you still don't really eat but if your allowed a chip you will manage that) or anything sweet and of course breastmilk.
You are still feeding lots through the night.
I am  still loving hoping into bed at night next to you, my sweet baby.

1 comment:

  1. Zari is so gorgeous Kathy! I love that photo of her in the tutu towards the bottom of the post where she's with her walker. Such a sweetheart!


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