Children too are a gift from YHVH; the fruit of the womb is a reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed when contending with foes at the city gate. Psalms 127:3-7

Monday, August 27, 2012

11 months

Happy 11 months baby!
These are how your photo's turned out. You are impossible to get to sit still even for a second!
 "here you go mum, you can have the sign"
 the cheekiest smile ever
 one day I may invest in a camera so I don't get blury hands , I think you were doing the actions to twinkle twinkle little star
and off you go
 I can't believe the next post will be your first birthday
you still are super cute :)
 still not a big eater, you still won't eat most days but on occasions I can get you to sit in the high chair and have a bite of something
 you have your hair in two little piggy tails this month- so cute!
 you and Michael at playgroup, growing up so quickly
 you can go off now and play with the bigger toys
 and even sit at the table for morning tea
 this didn't work too well, your not really into rocking or swinging
 all tired out after a hard morning of playing. Your starting to just have the one sleep after lunch if we have been out
 you've really satring walking this month. You can walk all over our house. You still find it hard to walk on the grass and you will still choose to crawl if you want to go quickly. You also love to push the little pram around. Your so fast with it and scoot around stashing things you find in it.
 Poor bubba has been sick this month. Another ear infection :( things just keep going around and around.
 You still handle it well though and are usually pretty happy. You can climb on lounges and open cupboards and love to annoy your brothers by pulling down their computers!
 We visited Nanny and Pa and you loved all of their beautiful flowers
 The three girls with Nanny (your great Grandmother)
 and with Pa (great Grandpa) I think you thought it was your Grandpa as they look quite alike!
 You enjoyed all of the little chairs
 and think you are so clever
 Grandpa put a flower in your hair
 Mirabelle left her dummy here which you thought was fun to chew on (and stash in your pram!)
 We (Dad and I) celebrating our 14 year anniversary by going out for dinner, your not quite as easy to take anymore as you want to get down and explore
 you have a pretty special bond with your Daddy, I love seeing how much you love him and love to be with him
 and how much you play together
 your finally starting to get old enough to play with your sisters. You think this is great. Bella made a little picnic for you, she loves including you in her and Essences' games. 
 You had your first swimming lesson. It's a mums and bub class so we are in the pool together. It was lots of fun. You enjoyed it and so did I. It was nice to spend some time with just you.
My cute little Zari.
You love to sing and do the actions to twinkle twinkle little start you even make the little diamond shape now. You actually love all music and will sing along to any song. It's so cute how you change your voice and sway.
You have started tapping me if you want my attention. Even in the sling you will tap me if I'm not staring at you!
You got your 6th tooth.
You love the cat...well you love to hurt the cat but eeyore lets you do anything to him!
You can sign milk and more.


1 comment:

  1. She just gets cuter and cuter!! And such a clever girl to be walking already. She's so animated and full of sweet personality. She looks so old already, I can't believe she's almost one! ! Luv Donna


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