Children too are a gift from YHVH; the fruit of the womb is a reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed when contending with foes at the city gate. Psalms 127:3-7

Friday, November 25, 2011

weeks 8 and 9

The first girls only trip away from home. Off to Oberon we go...
first stop Blackheith. You travelled so well. I was so scared that you would scream but you slept peacefully until we arrived.
We visited the Edwards and you had your first photo's with Zephaniah. We stayed at the farm with Grandma and Grandpa and visited the cafe. Unfortunately you screamed on the way home. Even Bella said "lets not do that again". It was horrible. But eventually we did make it home.
I've put you in the basket a few times while I've hjng the washing on the line!
In the swing in your cute cloth nappy
Wow you are growing so fast! You have started to blow bubbles with your mouth.
You have settled down so much these last 2 weeks. You are sleeping so much better during the day and are hardly crying anymore.
You will let Daddy hold you and comfort you sometimes now and he even rocked you to sleep the other night.
In one of my many slings. This is our quick trip sling when I need to quicly do something but not for very long!
The view I have of your gorgeous little face when we are out walking. You in the much loved hug-a-bub.
You have started playing on your toy mat and reaching out and hitting the toys.
One of the big smiles that you give me all the time. I just have to say hello and you smile at me. So beautiful.
You have also started trying to pull your self up when I hold your hands into a sitting position and have started lifting your head to sit up.
I got you this bouncer last week and you love it. It sits you up so high so you can see whats going on. Plus it bouncers when you kick. I just carry it wherever I have to do things hands free. It's super light and probably one of the best things I have bought for you!
I want to remember how cute you are. How much hair you still have. How perfect you are!
You don't look to happy here but I can't get you to smile for the camera (my phone) everytime I pick it up you stop smiling. But here you are at 9 weeks.

You weigh 6.14kgs!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

two months

Your two months old today!
and incredibly cute
and love chewing on your hand
and are so deliciouslly rolly

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

seven weeks photo's

This is your little hand sticking out of the hug-a-bub on one of our walks
Sweet milky sleep
Baby smiles
Gorgeous girl
Our first Johnson girls photo!
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Seven weeks

These seven weeks have gone by so fast. Your no longer the tiny little newborn anymore. You are growing so quickly. We had our last visit with Sonja this week. You weigh 5490 grams - that's 2000grams you have put on since you were born! It's sad that we no longer will be having visits but exciting too now that this newborn period is coming to an end. I'm so excited to watch you grow into whoever it is you are to become!
You are still our fussy baby. I would have to say that you may be our fussiest yet! All day you want to be held. Of course if it was possible I would love to hold you all day! And I do hold you as much as I can. If I put you down your not very happy! You had a really full on day on Tuesday with lots of tears but Friday you were great! I'm trying to pinpoint what is setting you off. I'm not eating a mango tonight to see if that is what is causing you to have wind. Hopefully tomorrow we will know.
You have started blowing raspberries. So super adorable you are!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Six weeks

I can not believe you are 6 weeks old already today.

You've been smiling lots more this week.  Especially at me which I love. You also smile at Essence a lot. I guess she is probably the most familiar to you as she was always attatched to me while I was pregnant with you (and she is probably the loudest child we have!).

I was looking at your little feet and legs while we had our bath tonight and they are so cute. Just hanging there (in deep water) I bet it was what you were doing in the womb. Your legs are still bowed and go crossed when you kick out. You love your baths.

You are crying every evening for no reason that I know. Usually at about 6pm (it can be later or earlier) you cry...and cry...and cry! But you have been fed, bathed, dressed, burped you just seem to need to release tension maybe?? I am not sure why but you are held and rocked and sung too and LOVED so I figure you must need it. Afterwards you usually feed to sleep for the night.  However this does make life hard for the time being. Your also pretty fussy throughout the day and don't like to be put down to sleep or even put down to play! But you sleep well at night and just feed and sleep. I am so tired I usually fall asleep while your feeding and wake up to you still feeding!

I finally managed to type up your birth story. I just need to get all of the birth photo's so I can put them all together. I did submit your story to the homebirth magazine, Birthings.

Your back in cloth nappies now. I love your cute little cloth bum!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hard times

Being a mum of many is hard work. Just because I love my children and love having lots of them doesn't mean its easy. Rewarding yes, easy no. Of course some days are easier than others but generally it really is hard work. I want to remember how hard this stage is. The newborn and toddler stage. If the toddler was 3 instead of newly 2 I think it would be easy. Then again maybe it wouldn't I don't know as I have always had a toddler and newborn (well except for the first one) so for the past almost 12 years that I have been parenting 10 of those years I have been doing this. I love the newborn stage. Its one of my favourites. They are so sweet, so little and so lovable (I could go on and on but I wont as I am typing on my phone!) But when you have a beautiful baby that does not like to sleep in the day (as quite a few of mine have been including sweet little Ezaria) things are harder. Put that with a very active and loud toddler and basically life is so busy that there is no time left to do anything! This passes. I know that. Its not like this forever. Soon the toddler can talk (so the screaming should stop) and will be toilet trained and will stop breastfeeding and will be able to go to sleep alone - they grow up and then I will miss these crazy days.
People ask me the weirdest questions that sometimes it really makes me question myself. One that bothers me the most is "do you JUST like being pregnant ?" Um no, of course I love being pregnant but that's not why I have my babies! "Do you just like having babies" no to this too, I actually love having babies but believe it or not I love it when they grow up too. I LOVE all my children not just the baby! Or "birth must be so easy for you now, they must just fall out"  um yeah not quite! Birth is easier but not because there have been 7 because I researched and learnt about birth. I take offense to that statement as if its all just so easy. Its still labour. Also because I've never had an epidural before my labours mustn't be painful. Yes they are I just want the natural pain killers that God gave us!
Anyway these are things I want to remember. Right now where I am there is no time for me. Right now its loud in this house. Right now my house is not as clean as I wish it was. Right now I don't get to do as much things with the older kids as I'd like. Right now life is pretty hard but I love it. I love the excitement and the business. I love how much the older ones have learnt that they are not the centre of this world. I love having a new baby in the house to snuggle and look after. I love the cuteness and energy from my very gorgeous 2yr old. I love my older boys showing kindness to their little sisters. I love that my husband is able to go on school camos and excursions with our boys because i can't. I love ALL of my children. I love my life!