Children too are a gift from YHVH; the fruit of the womb is a reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed when contending with foes at the city gate. Psalms 127:3-7

Friday, November 25, 2011

weeks 8 and 9

The first girls only trip away from home. Off to Oberon we go...
first stop Blackheith. You travelled so well. I was so scared that you would scream but you slept peacefully until we arrived.
We visited the Edwards and you had your first photo's with Zephaniah. We stayed at the farm with Grandma and Grandpa and visited the cafe. Unfortunately you screamed on the way home. Even Bella said "lets not do that again". It was horrible. But eventually we did make it home.
I've put you in the basket a few times while I've hjng the washing on the line!
In the swing in your cute cloth nappy
Wow you are growing so fast! You have started to blow bubbles with your mouth.
You have settled down so much these last 2 weeks. You are sleeping so much better during the day and are hardly crying anymore.
You will let Daddy hold you and comfort you sometimes now and he even rocked you to sleep the other night.
In one of my many slings. This is our quick trip sling when I need to quicly do something but not for very long!
The view I have of your gorgeous little face when we are out walking. You in the much loved hug-a-bub.
You have started playing on your toy mat and reaching out and hitting the toys.
One of the big smiles that you give me all the time. I just have to say hello and you smile at me. So beautiful.
You have also started trying to pull your self up when I hold your hands into a sitting position and have started lifting your head to sit up.
I got you this bouncer last week and you love it. It sits you up so high so you can see whats going on. Plus it bouncers when you kick. I just carry it wherever I have to do things hands free. It's super light and probably one of the best things I have bought for you!
I want to remember how cute you are. How much hair you still have. How perfect you are!
You don't look to happy here but I can't get you to smile for the camera (my phone) everytime I pick it up you stop smiling. But here you are at 9 weeks.

You weigh 6.14kgs!

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1 comment:

  1. Love all these photos of her and reading the snippets underneath. She's just gorgeous and getting SO big!! Thank-you for coming and visiting us even though your trip home was bad :( screaming bubbas in the car are the worst!!! Luv Donna


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