I am 9 weeks pregnant today.
I have known that I've been pregnant for just over a month now!
I am too tired to write this post but I will try...
This week I can feel my uterus on my right side when I lay on my belly. I usually have a retroverted uterus so I thinking it's probably just tipped to the right at this stage.
I am reading way too much about all the things that can go wrong with pregnancy on the internet. This has me freaking out that something is wrong or something will go wrong. I am seeing my Dr on Wednesday and will get bloods done and book in for my 12 week scan.
I have felt a few flutters that I swear are the baby even though I know it's not medically possible. I have felt another this early (although I can't remember who) so am thinking perhaps my placenta is posterior this time. So far I have had a posterior placenta (at the back) with my four boys and an anterior (front) placenta with my girls. It will be very interesting to see where it is this time!
I am still really sick although today I have felt a little better. I'm thinking Yah is being kind as I have been wondering how on earth I will be able to homeschool 4 boys and look after 2 little girls while being sick. Today was our first day back and it actually went ok. There were a few moments I had to just stop and sit but that's ok.
I am not showing yet. I have lost a couple of kilos so far. I don't usually pop until at least 12 weeks but my pants are feeling a little tight when I'm sitting down. I love having a pregnant belly and can't wait to have one again!
I am still very tired. At the end of the day I'm exhausted and can not wait to get into bed (like right now). I'm not sleeping great but it is probably more to do with this incredibly hot weather we have been having lately. I almost rang my friend (who is married to an electrician) to ask how much it would cost to install a fan in our room! It's just so hot! I'm glad I'm not at the end of my pregnancy when the heat would be even worse!
I still haven't contacted the cruise ship yet but plan to do it soon.
I'm looking forward to hitting week 10 as it seems so much closer to the 2nd trimester!!
Children too are a gift from YHVH; the fruit of the womb is a reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed when contending with foes at the city gate. Psalms 127:3-7
Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Week 8
I am 8 weeks pregnant today!
I am feeling overwhelmed by this morning sickness. At first, earlier this week, eating gave me some relief but since Saturday that no longer works :( I am not throwing up but constantly feel that way even through the night. I know that if I only had myself to look after I would be struggling, but I don't - I have myself plus 6 children and a husband *sigh* I guess now is the time to lean on YHVH! Only He will get me through this. I am still managing to eat- not as much as normal but more than the last time I was pregnant.
I have been having a fair bit of ligament pain. Still scary sometimes but I'm pretty confident the baby is where it should be and not in a tube! I guess once you've already had 6 babies everything is a bit stretched!!
Essence has been feeding all the time which is starting to become a little painful especially now as there is not much milk there. She doesn't seem to mind though!
Still no physical signs of the 'bump'. I think it's a bit harder to tell when it looks like you've only just had a baby! Lol
I have been a bit constipated (tmi I know but I want to keep a record of all the highs and lows!) which is pretty normal for me in pregnancy. I'm going to have to figure out ways to avoid it!
I have been watching lots of birth shows which is exciting and scary all at the same time. They are American and make me very glad that I am having another homebirth. I could never go back to hospital knowing the things I know (unless of course there was a real emergency).
I had a dream that I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. It was a super fast birth and only my midwife and Jay made it there. It's arm fell off during the birth (which was quite normal) and my midwife just snapped it back on! I always have bizarre dreams when pregnant. It did make me wonder if maybe it was another girl as so far I've only thought of it being a boy!
I am trying to decide whether I will have the 12 week scan or not. I wouldn't have it for medical reasons as I would never abort if there was something wrong but it gives me a peace of mind when I see the baby on the screen and it's little heartbeat.
A friend of mine just miscarried at 8 weeks. She had an ultrasound on Wednesday and saw the baby and it's little heartbeat and then that night she lost it. It's so very sad. Please pray if you think of it. It makes me realize how precious life is and I am trying to praise Yah for this sickness!
I am feeling overwhelmed by this morning sickness. At first, earlier this week, eating gave me some relief but since Saturday that no longer works :( I am not throwing up but constantly feel that way even through the night. I know that if I only had myself to look after I would be struggling, but I don't - I have myself plus 6 children and a husband *sigh* I guess now is the time to lean on YHVH! Only He will get me through this. I am still managing to eat- not as much as normal but more than the last time I was pregnant.
I have been having a fair bit of ligament pain. Still scary sometimes but I'm pretty confident the baby is where it should be and not in a tube! I guess once you've already had 6 babies everything is a bit stretched!!
Essence has been feeding all the time which is starting to become a little painful especially now as there is not much milk there. She doesn't seem to mind though!
Still no physical signs of the 'bump'. I think it's a bit harder to tell when it looks like you've only just had a baby! Lol
I have been a bit constipated (tmi I know but I want to keep a record of all the highs and lows!) which is pretty normal for me in pregnancy. I'm going to have to figure out ways to avoid it!
I have been watching lots of birth shows which is exciting and scary all at the same time. They are American and make me very glad that I am having another homebirth. I could never go back to hospital knowing the things I know (unless of course there was a real emergency).
I had a dream that I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. It was a super fast birth and only my midwife and Jay made it there. It's arm fell off during the birth (which was quite normal) and my midwife just snapped it back on! I always have bizarre dreams when pregnant. It did make me wonder if maybe it was another girl as so far I've only thought of it being a boy!
I am trying to decide whether I will have the 12 week scan or not. I wouldn't have it for medical reasons as I would never abort if there was something wrong but it gives me a peace of mind when I see the baby on the screen and it's little heartbeat.
A friend of mine just miscarried at 8 weeks. She had an ultrasound on Wednesday and saw the baby and it's little heartbeat and then that night she lost it. It's so very sad. Please pray if you think of it. It makes me realize how precious life is and I am trying to praise Yah for this sickness!
Monday, January 17, 2011
week 7

I am 7 weeks today!
So glad the time is ticking by. I can not wait to get out of the first trimester safely!
Sickness this week has definitely kicked in. I have been sick on and off for the last couple of weeks but it was definitely mild that was until Saturday night. Something changed and all of a sudden I could remember what real morning sickness was! I am especially sick when I have an empty tummy and so far it seems to get a little better when I eat. This is different for me as usually in the beginning I just can not eat. This time I am hungry and am able to eat. Hopefully things will stay this way and I won't get as sick as I normally do.
I haven't used any of the frozen meals yet and am waiting until I am really desperate.
The tiredness has also kicked in this week. I am so tired. I am totally exhausted by the night time hits! I'm crashing at about 9:30-10:00 most nights and am sleeping quite well (when I'm not woken up to breastfeed a baby or to the other 5 children who could be sleep walking, going to the toilet or just needing a cuddle!). I am having lots of weird and vivid dreams.
I have been having some pain on my lower right side and now it has moved over to the left. I was a little worried at first thinking of an ectopic pregnancy but am pretty confident now that it is just ligaments stretching. It's always a worry though when so many things can go wrong at this early stage of pregnancy!
I have been really enjoying eating ice blocks. It's been so hot here lately and they are so cold and refreshing. I have also gotten some fruit and veggie juice to sip on when I just can't stomach food.
This is the foot at 51 days and

In just 3 days the hands change from this...

to this!!
Your baby's leg and arm buds are longer now and they have divided into segments where the hands and feet will be. The hands and feet also have an area where the fingers and toes will begin to form. At this point of your pregnancy, the heart is bulging from the body and it has divided into right and left chambers. The brain's hemispheres are continuing to grow and the air passages into the lungs are visible. Your baby's eyes are beginning to get pigment. The nose is developing and the beginning of the face can be seen. The baby's abdomen is developing quickly and the appendix and pancreas are already present. Your baby's digestive tract is beginning to form and the hindgut is present. The shape of the talk can still be seen, but it will fade in 3 or 4 weeks.
*these photographs and information has been taken fro I am Pregnant
Monday, January 10, 2011
Week 6

I am 6 weeks pregnant today!
So far I am still feeling pretty good. I am finding myself yawning a lot more through the day and exhausted by night fall but I still have enough energy to do what I need to do to keep the house running.
I am feeling a little sicker each day. I am gagging when I brush my teeth. I also have the metallic taste that is common with pregnancy. I am still able to eat most things. I tend to go off milk and tea/coffee when pregnant and that is starting to happen. I will miss my morning cup of tea and my cup of tea I have before bed!
I am a little more moody than normal and seem to lose my patience easier than normal.
I am still managing to get meals cooked and in the freezer. It feels good to know that I am organized.
I forgot to mention a cute thing Ewan said to me the day after we told him he was going to be a big brother again. I want to remember these!
Ewan: “how big is the baby?”
Me: “oh, it’s only really small, about this big” I demonstrate with my hands just how tiny the baby is.
Ewan: “so does that mean if I hold my finger out like this” (he points his finger) “the baby could just walk and dance along it? How cool”…he is happy to play around with that though for a while.
Bella has now changed her mind and is positive the baby is a girl. I think she just wants the numbers to be a little more even! We are still outnumbered by the boys by two!
Essence is so clingy at the moment. It must be true when they say the toddler knows when a new baby is coming along! She is wanting to breastfeed all day. She is still feeding a lot through the night also.

*From week 6 to week 10 of your pregnancy, you will be in the embryonic period. This is a very important time of development for your baby and the embryo is most susceptible to experience developmental interferences at this time. Although the embryo is still very small, it is growing and developing rapidly. Your baby's early brain chambers are forming and the eyes are also beginning to form. Buds will appear and will develop into arms and legs in later weeks. The heart is starting up. The fetus` blood group may be different from your own! Facial features are visible, including a mouth and tongue. The eyes have a retina and lens.
The digestive system starts forming, beginning with the first cells of the stomach and the intestine.
There are small indentations in the head, ready for the development of facial features, eyes, and ears. The outline of the jaw starts to form.*
*these images and information are from the website I am pregnant.com
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Week 5
5 weeks pregnant

On Saturday evening I did a pregnancy test that turned out positive. I was in the middle of putting the children to sleep but once the thought of “am I pregnant” had gotten in my head I couldn’t let it go! I got Jay, for the first time, to read the result.
At first we were shocked. I had just gotten myself hyped up for NOT being pregnant. I have been pregnant every second year for almost 12 years now! It is normal for me so when we decided that we would not be pregnant this year I was sad BUT I came to the realization that it could be a good thing. My body would have a rest, I would have a toddler without a pregnant belly and we could go on a family cruise at the end of the year. I could also get a bit of my life back and go out (for a few hours) without any children. So when the positive result came in I was scared. I had to get my head around being pregnant again. This didn’t take long! However Jay (being a man who wants to have the best for his family by the means of MONEY) wasn’t as quick to come around to the idea.
We decided to keep it quiet for a while until we had told our parents and sorted out what it means regarding the cruise. The baby has to be 6 months old but will only be 3 months so I may not be able to go. I am praying that if it is in Yah’s will it will happen…somehow.
We told all the children together. They were excited which of course makes me happy. They were fighting about who would get to share a room with him/her.
Ewan asked if he could see the baby. When I said no as it is still very small and inside my belly he asked if I could lift up my shirt anyway. So I did and he kissed my belly! So very cute.
Elijah said quickly that it was a boy and Bella and Ewan agreed. Ethan, Zeke and Jay think it’s a girl!
Mum and Dad guessed after saying I needed to talk to them. They were happy and understand that it is a gift from YHVH and that HIS plans are so much greater than ours. If I am meant to be on the cruise I will be but if I’m not He knows that! Although I really hope I can go. I am very sad at the thought of letting my boys go without me. They will have Jay but it is something I really want to share with them! However I know that in 10 years time the cruise will be but a memory and our child will be a CHILD. When you put it like that there really is no question what I would rather!!
I did a second test on Tuesday to put Jay’s mind at ease as the line was a little faint on the first one. I bought a clear blue pregnancy test with conception indicator. It measures the HCG level and tells you how long ago you conceived! It is 90% accurate. It was very exciting when The PREGNANT word came up and then the numbers 2-3 which means conception happened 2-3 weeks ago (from the test). Which makes me 5 weeks as you add two weeks.

Pregnancy is calculated from the first day of your last period, which was 29th November (it was also my first period since having Essence).

Pregnancy is calculated from the first day of your last period, which was 29th November (it was also my first period since having Essence).
I have been feeling a little sick on and off this week. Not enough to say I was sick but enough to know I am pregnant. My milk let down has stopped and was one of the first symptoms I had. I have been a little more tired than normal but certainly not “pregnancy tired”. When I walk through the shops the smells are a lot stronger and I have flash backs of the other pregnancy morning sicknesses.
I did a huge food shop on Tuesday in preparation for when the sickness hits. I bought enough food that I could make double or triple of everything so the freezer will be stocked full of good food when I can’t cook. Morning sickness hits me hard and has gotten worse with every pregnancy. I lost 10 kilo’s in two months last time! It feels strange to feel somewhat normal knowing that I only have a week or two left before the sickness. I do have hope that maybe this time will be different and I won’t be as sick!
I have been feeling fearful about losing this baby. I have had 6 healthy pregnancies so far which ended in 6 healthy babies. I experience some bleeding between week 6 and week 8 when I was pregnant with Ewan (4th child) and thought I was miscarrying but didn’t! I really have no reason to be worried but the first 12 weeks are hard. You know your pregnant but there is nothing you can do to make sure you stay pregnant! It is totally out of our hands! For me, the bonding happens as soon as those two lines appear on the test. It’s not another pregnancy but another baby, another life, another member of our family.
I have days when I am really hungry but then can only eat a little and then I have days when I am not hungry at all.
I have been getting some headaches which I find is a normal symptom of pregnancy for me.
I have already contacted Sonja, who is the midwife we had for Essence’s birth and she is calling me next week to organize our first appointment. With a homebirth midwife you have to book early to make sure you get who you want!

This is a 4 week embryo.
As early as this week, the plate that will become the heart has developed. Your baby's brain, spinal cord, muscles, and bone formation are also beginning to form. The baby's skeleton is forming at this time as well. The embryo has a distinct organization that has a top, bottom, left, right, front and back. *
*this picture and information is taken from I am pregnant.com
In the beginning....
I have always wanted to keep a journal of my pregnancy but have never gotten around to it. Something that I can look back on and share with my child when they are older. I would love to have a journal that my own mother had written when she was pregnant with me. How amazing it would be to share something as personal as that. Pregnancy is a wonderful time that is filled with highs and lows. While your in it, it can feel as though it lasts forever but once it’s over you realize how quickly 9 months passes. We only get 9 months to enjoy this special time of a new baby growing in our womb…here is my journey…
This week has certainly been emotional week. Last Saturday I found out that we were expecting another baby. We had decided that this year we would not be pregnant as we are going on a family cruise in December, however YHVH had other plans!
I believe that ALL children are a blessing and are all planned by Adonai. I would love to leave our family size in YHVH hands but as my husband is a non believer I leave it in his (Jay’s) hands.
I love being pregnant and I love having my babies. I have learnt so much through having my precious children. They really are a blessing. Unfortunately many people in this world don’t think the same way and I am finding that I am constantly defending my family size. I do not want to live “in the box” that our society has created. A box that is filled with a husband, a house, 2 children and money. I want so much more than that. It was never YHVH’s plan to do this. At the end of my life I am sure I will not wish that I had more money. I have heard many stories of people who are dying who wish they had of had more life (children). In fact the positive comments I do get when I am walking around with my children are usually from older people who wish that they had of had more children! It’s not until the end of our life that we see this! When judgment day comes I will not have to offer worldly excuses as to why I didn’t accept Yah’s gifts. I am happy, I am excited and I am so very thankful for this new life that is being created in “the secret place”.
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