Children too are a gift from YHVH; the fruit of the womb is a reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed when contending with foes at the city gate. Psalms 127:3-7

Monday, January 24, 2011

Week 8

I am 8 weeks pregnant today!

I am feeling overwhelmed by this morning sickness. At first, earlier this week, eating gave me some relief but since Saturday that no longer works :( I am not throwing up but constantly feel that way even through the night. I know that if I only had myself to look after I would be struggling, but I don't - I have myself plus 6 children and a husband *sigh* I guess now is the time to lean on YHVH! Only He will get me through this. I am still managing to eat- not as much as normal but more than the last time I was pregnant.

I have been having a fair bit of ligament pain. Still scary sometimes but I'm pretty confident the baby is where it should be and not in a tube! I guess once you've already had 6 babies everything is a bit stretched!!

Essence has been feeding all the time which is starting to become a little painful especially now as there is not much milk there. She doesn't seem to mind though!

Still no physical signs of the 'bump'. I think it's a bit harder to tell when it looks like you've only just had a baby! Lol

I have been a bit constipated (tmi I know but I want to keep a record of all the highs and lows!) which is pretty normal for me in pregnancy. I'm going to have to figure out ways to avoid it!

I have been watching lots of birth shows which is exciting and scary all at the same time. They are American and make me very glad that I am having another homebirth. I could never go back to hospital knowing the things I know (unless of course there was a real emergency).

I had a dream that I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. It was a super fast birth and only my midwife and Jay made it there. It's arm fell off during the birth (which was quite normal) and my midwife just snapped it back on! I always have bizarre dreams when pregnant. It did make me wonder if maybe it was another girl as so far I've only thought of it being a boy!

I am trying to decide whether I will have the 12 week scan or not. I wouldn't have it for medical reasons as I would never abort if there was something wrong but it gives me a peace of mind when I see the baby on the screen and it's little heartbeat.

A friend of mine just miscarried at 8 weeks. She had an ultrasound on Wednesday and saw the baby and it's little heartbeat and then that night she lost it. It's so very sad. Please pray if you think of it. It makes me realize how precious life is and I am trying to praise Yah for this sickness!



  1. I'm sorry about your friend,it's always so heartbreaking to hear of someone losing their bubba. I have been feeling sad the past few days cause a friend had twins die at 18 weeks, it makes you realise how blessed we are with every healthy child we get to hold in our arms!! Will be praying for you through the sickness and tiredness of this stage, hang in there you know it gets better!

    Oh and about the pain I had some really bad pain with Elora's pregnancy, I almost thought of calling someone to come and get me when it happened while I was out shopping one day cause I was sure something was wrong, but it was fine and the midwife said it was normal ligament stretching and that it gets worse with each baby, so i'm guessing by number 7, especially with not a huge gap from the last child, that it's normal!!

  2. Yay another week down of the first trimester!
    Praying for you to have energy and not be too sick!
    you dream is so funny, its so strange the weird dreams that happen when we are preg!!
    I am sad for Becki too :(
    Luv Donna

  3. Oh and I agree, NEVER hospital unless absolutely necessary!! Homebirth is the BEST!!


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