Children too are a gift from YHVH; the fruit of the womb is a reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed when contending with foes at the city gate. Psalms 127:3-7

Sunday, January 9, 2011

In the beginning....

I have always wanted to keep a journal of my pregnancy but have never gotten around to it. Something that I can look back on and share with my child when they are older. I would love to have a journal that my own mother had written when she was pregnant with me. How amazing it would be to share something as personal as that. Pregnancy is a wonderful time that is filled with highs and lows. While your in it, it can feel as though it lasts forever but once it’s over you realize how quickly 9 months passes. We only get 9 months to enjoy this special time of a new baby growing in our womb…here is my journey…

This week has certainly been emotional week. Last Saturday I found out that we were expecting another baby. We had decided that this year we would not be pregnant as we are going on a family cruise in December, however YHVH had other plans!
I believe that ALL children are a blessing and are all planned by Adonai. I would love to leave our family size in YHVH hands but as my husband is a non believer I leave it in his (Jay’s) hands.
I love being pregnant and I love having my babies. I have learnt so much through having my precious children. They really are a blessing. Unfortunately many people in this world don’t think the same way and I am finding that I am constantly defending my family size. I do not want to live “in the box” that our society has created. A box that is filled with a husband, a house, 2 children and money. I want so much more than that. It was never YHVH’s plan to do this. At the end of my life I am sure I will not wish that I had more money. I have heard many stories of people who are dying who wish they had of had more life (children). In fact the positive comments I do get when I am walking around with my children are usually from older people who wish that they had of had more children! It’s not until the end of our life that we see this! When judgment day comes I will not have to offer worldly excuses as to why I didn’t accept Yah’s gifts. I am happy, I am excited and I am so very thankful for this new life that is being created in “the secret place”.

1 comment:

  1. Love this explanation post and so agree!! Children are a blessing from Yah!
    Luv Donna


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