I'm enjoying finally having more of a pregnant tummy rather than just a fat one! I really think it depends on the clothes you wear though. When I'm in a dress I definitely look more pregnant than when I'm in shorts. This pic is from today and the one below is from sometime last week

I am finally, just yesterday, starting to feel a little less sick! I've had another hard week dealing with this sickness and wondering if it will ever end! I'm really hoping it's ending with these past 2 days feeling a bit better! I'm 16 weeks and should be having the 2nd trimester glow!
I've been quite worried again this week hoping that the baby is ok. I normally would be feeling the baby move a fair bit by now but have not felt much :(
I am sure I felt her move the other night and I can not wait until I'm feeling her all the time.
I have been quite tired this week. Essence slept through (until around 4 or 5am) for 2 days in a row! This was the first time ever she hadn't fed through the night. I've been struggling with feeding her so much at night so decided it was time to night wean seems she did it herself. But she had different ideas. It's been a struggle but one that will be worth it in the end. She wants nothing to do with me at all (not holding hands or back rubbing or even singing!) if I say no! She rolls to the other side of the bed and just cries. It's hard but I know she's ok. I'm right next to her if she wants comfort.
She is still feeding lots in the day and still feeds for her daytime nap and to go to bed at night.
I got a surprise parcel in the post this week from Donna. It had a beautiful little dress for bubba in it and a sweet card :)
That same day I was in kmart and saw a cute little top/dress for $2 and had to grab it. It's the first thing I have bought for bubba.

I have still been into coleslaw and salads and am getting my appetite back. I can not wait to enjoy tea again. Unfortunately that's not back yet :(
I had a visit with Sonja our midwife today. Everything is good. I got to hear the little ones heartbeat which was very reassuring that there is a live baby in there! Blood pressure etc..is all fine.
I am hopefully planning on paying for the homebirth conference today. It looks like it will be really good this year. I will be 38 weeks pregnant when it's on so I will be very much into all things birth!
Hi Kathy :-)
ReplyDeleteSo great to hear all is going well and that you got to hear bubbas heartbeat! Yay always awesome!
Lovely to see your bump!
Love lus x
Oh you look so good! Yay for 16 weeks. Every week is a week closer to meeting your third little girl - wow!!!
ReplyDeleteLove the sweet little nightie!
Luv Donna