Children too are a gift from YHVH; the fruit of the womb is a reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed when contending with foes at the city gate. Psalms 127:3-7

Sunday, June 26, 2011

30 weeks

I am 30 weeks today! The final count down. It's very exciting to only have 10 or so weeks to go and i am sure the weeks will just tick past. School holidays start at the end of this week and the boys will be home for 3 weeks so by the time they go back I will be 34 weeks. I'm really looking forward to the holidays so our mornings can be a little slower!

I am actually feeling huge today. I feel like my belly grew heaps these last few days. She is still rolling around in there. I can feel when she goes breech and then back across. She obviously still has enough room to change position fairly easily so I'm not worried. It is quite different to feel hiccups right up near my ribs or right at the side! I can also see the shape of my belly change! Normally my babies are head down from 20 weeks!
I am feeling quite uncomfortable and am definitely feeling pregnant now. Sleeping is hard. Rolling over is hard and just everything in general is getting harder!
I have been feeling quite dizzy and weak and am still so tired. This has been my hardest pregnancy physically. I have never been this tired for so long! I just generally feel sick most of the time. Its not morning sickness and food is not a trigger its just all the time not feeling well. Makes it quite hard to get things done!
I have also had a few days of tears. I think the pregnancy hormones are to blame!
I am starting to get excited about having a new little baby. There are times when i am so excited just thinking of this new little person. I can not wait to meet her! I am hoping she has lots of soft hair. I am wondering what she will look like. I can't wait to smell that precious newborn smell that goes much too fast. I can't wait to see how her birth will go! I am still reading lots of birth stories and haven't been as scared just excited!
I have been having lots of braxton hicks and last night quite regular contractions which had me worried a little. I think maybe they just start earlier with each child. They went away when i went to bed.
I have a visit with Sonja tomorrow which I'm looking forward too.

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  1. I think you are looking tiny for 30 weeks!! Such a sweet baby bump!
    I love the way you talk about her and meeting her, it shows your beautiful mama heart!!!
    Luv Donna

  2. Hi Kathy! Love the way you speak of meeting your little one too! 30 weeks yaaaaaay! It's so nice to be on the final countdown hey :-) how are your iron levels? I feel dizzy and nauseaus when mine are low so thought it might be worth mentioning. Hope u feel better soon!
    Love Lus x

  3. Thanks Donna :)
    Lusi when I had my iron checked a month ago it was really high apparently i had a mans iron level. I think its my low blood pressure. It was quite low a month ago and is still low now but not as bad :)


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