Children too are a gift from YHVH; the fruit of the womb is a reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed when contending with foes at the city gate. Psalms 127:3-7

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Week 27

I am 27 weeks yesterday. Third trimester already! It's very exciting to be on the home run! It will still be a few weeks yet (hopefully) until it gets hard physically. I can't wait to start planning for her birth and getting all of her little clothes washed and ready. I also plan on cooking as many meals as I can so I don't have to worry about it for a while after she is born.
I haven't taken a pic this week (slack I know) but I did video her moving in my belly. She was jumping around so I grabbed my phone but of course she calmed down - but I did manage to get some movement. It is pretty boring but I really want to remember it! I will try and catch her moving again in a few weeks. The voice you hear in the background is 7yr old Elijah whinging and also the rugby on the television.
I think she has moved head down in the last few days as it feels different and I can feel her head (i think). She still has lots of hiccups and lots of movement. I am starting to feel little knees or little elbows sticking out now. I love being pregnant!
I have felt so much better this week. I am still really tired but not as sick plus I haven't had hayfever/sinus. I'm praying I stay like this for a while so I can get things done!
Not much else has been happening this week. I am feeling the extra weight and my feet are getting sore when i'm on them for too long. I've also had a couple of bad days with sciatica but it's bearable at this stage and only lasts for a day. I would love a massage! Hopefully soon!
I've had no real food craving except maybe for donuts but after having two yesterday and then not feeling great this morning i'm over that! I'm enjoying yummy fresh salads. I've had diet coke a couple of times this week just to help me stay awake!
I'm not sleeping great at night already and am not looking forward to getting worse :(
I've been having lots of braxton hicks. Especially when i'm breastfeeding Essence. Not sure if they started this early last time but it's definitely exciting although i'm very happy to keep her in there for at least another 10 weeks!
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  1. I'm having heaps of Braxton Hicks too! Hope you get a massage sciatica is so bad some days - I'm on the walking cane from early morning till late at night just to be able to get around! Other days its ok. SO glad to hear you have been feeling better this week! May it continue for the rest of the pregnancy - not long now! Yay!
    Loads of love,
    Lus x

  2. I'll have to go on the comp to watch the video sill iPhone but what a cool idea!!! Oh a massage how heavenly would that be!!!
    I'm so glad you're not as sick and praying it's up and up from here on!!!
    Third trimester already how exciting !!!!!!!!
    Luv Donna

  3. Yay, you are on the homestretch!

    Stacie from A Firefighter's Wife


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