This is actually a pic from 6 days ago when I took the girls for a big long walk to try and get the baby moving. Obviously it didn't work!
On Monday I had the stretch and sweep done (42 weeks) I was dilated at least a 2 and soft so was hoping that might help things along but no such luck. Babies heartbeat was good, my blood pressure was good everything was good. Had lunch with mum and a good friend Cathy who prayed for me about the birth and just about waiting. I still have some fear there about the pain of birth and the longer I wait the more I get to think about it.
castor oil |
Tuesday I woke up with contractions and lots of pressure. I needed to get some groceries so went to the shops with my parents while Jay stayed at home with the children. I forget to say that they have all been sick over the weekend with some kind of weird virus that make them sleep and feel sick. Not the best timing! Anyway I walked around for a while and when I got home I felt different. I couldn't concentrate very well had the shakes a bit and was still having fairly regular contractions. I thought I was in early labour for sure. I even had a lay down with Esse in case I was going into labour. By the afternoon things had slowed down a lot but I was still very hopeful. My good friend Donna called in and we chatted for a while and ended up going out for a couple of hours for dinner and coffee. I needed this time out! It was so great. I felt like I could do this and have me some much needed renewed strength. When I got home Jay had cooked dinner, bathed the kids and done the dishes so I could still stay focused. The contractions still continued but didn't increase in pain so I went to bed at about midnight. The baby had been moving so much. In my dream people were doing ballet to her movements which was actually music! The next morning I woke up early (again) and still pregnant! I had another cry and realised I hadn't felt her move for hours! Of course I have all of these fear thoughts that something has happened. That last night she was moving so much because she was struggling and now she was gone. I ended up ringing Sonja who said she would come over and check everything. The baby moved then! I spent the morning g with mum and the girls. We walked to the park and I just sat around. Contractions of course still were happening but not as regular as the day before. Sonja came and checked her heartbeat etc...and just reassured me that everything is ok. She suggested taking the castor oil last night as Jay will be home today (he was working in the city last night) and of nothing happened she will come with me today to get a scan done so I wouldn't be worried.
At 8:00 I took the first dose then another at 9:00 and one more at 10:00. It was disgusting. I was heaving with the 2nd one and couldn't get the last bit down of the 3rd one. Jay and I sat watching a series on TV we hadn't had a chance to watch. By 11pm I thought I'd go to bed. Nothing was happening and I just felt tired and a little sick. I had pains through out the night but i didn't have to go to the toilet I until almost 6am. I expected it sooner but it must take a while to work. So that's where I am today. Waiting. To see what happens. Been having pretty consistent contractions this morning but its nothing new. Tomorrow is my Dads birthday. I joked about her being born on his birthday throughout the pregnancy but didn't ever really think I would go 18 days over but now who knows??
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many hugs and prayers coming your way! You are so amazing and I wish you all the best for the birth. I'm sure you will do well and I look forward to hearing your news soon.
ReplyDeleteOh going overdue is just plain H A R D.
ReplyDeletePraying so much for you both!!!
Luv Donna