Children too are a gift from YHVH; the fruit of the womb is a reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed when contending with foes at the city gate. Psalms 127:3-7

Monday, September 5, 2011

40 weeks

I am 40 weeks today!

The top pic is the view when I look down. I can't see the floor!

This dress is actually the dress that I gave birth to Bella in. It brings back so many memories.

So I made it to 40 weeks. I am not really surprised as I knew I would get here. I am pretty sure I will make it to 41 weeeks and perhaps even 42 weeks but I hope I don't. Theses last weeks/days are so hard. Even though I am much more prepared this time which has helped me cope it is still hard just waiting and wondering when it will be time. I haven't been too emotional. The mornings are the hardest. I wake up and think oh I'm still pregnant. By the evening I am so tired I think oh well I need to sleep anyway. I remember this being how I have felt other times.

Sleeping is hard being so uncomfortable and having to get up and go to the toilet so much. Heartburn comes and goes but I wouldn't say it has been a big problem this pregnancy. I am still getting rib pain but I think it's lessening. I haven't seen the chiropractor for 2 weeeks tomorrow but I'm thinking that maybe she has moved down a little lower.

I am loving the coconut water and have had some young coconuts too. I'm also still enjoying the porridge with yogurt and fruit. There's not too much room to fit much in so my food intake is still less than normal.

She is still moving so much. I am still so amazed and lay in bed watching my nelly or I sit on the lounge watching. It's so hard to believe that there is really a full sized baby in there. A real person! So exciting!! I can't wait to meet this little one.

Jay is working this whole week from 1pm-1-2am! He is an hour away and can't have his phone on as he is filming. It's goig to be a hard week for me and hopefully he won't miss the birth! I do know that Yah is in control and already knows the perfect time for her birth!

I am still dreaming that this baby is a boy! What a surprise if she turned out to be a he! I'm sure they can't have got it wrong twice but wonder why I keep dreaming she is a he?

I am still really tired but also have energy to keep cleaning this house. Almost all of my kitchen cupboards are done now!

Contractions still come pretty often throughout the day and night but I'm pretty sure I was having a lot more when I was pregnat with Essence.

I got two huge pimples yesterday. Hoping its a hormone shift that could mean labour is soon? Well it's wishful thinking anyway.

I have a visit with Sonja tomorrow.

I am off to bed as my eyes are closing!


  1. You look so so great!!! The end of pregnancy is the hardest time I reckon!!! Praying for you as you eagerly anticipate her arrival. I can't wait to meet her!!! I pray too for comfort and peace for you this last few days - and I say this knowing full well though that comfort and the end of pregnancy don't really go together :(
    Luv Donna

  2. Thinking of you lovely Kathy!!!
    Love lus x


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