Children too are a gift from YHVH; the fruit of the womb is a reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; he will not have to be embarrassed when contending with foes at the city gate. Psalms 127:3-7

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

one month

At one month you

- are absolutely gorgeous
-have big chubby cheeks that are super soft to kiss
-smell so sweet
-love drinking mummy's milk
-sleep in the hug a bub most of the day
-don't like being put down
-giving us big smiles
-starting to coo
-only stay up for about 40-60 minutes
-have 4 big brothers and 2 big sisters who want to hold you and kiss you all the time
-hate the car
-love big baths with us
-have such beautiful lips
-starting to lose some of your hair and new hair is growing back.
-wake up early
-are so very loved!
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  1. She's so cute, I love her delicious chubby cheeks!!

  2. I seriously cannot believe how cute and chubby she looks here!!! Makes me just want to kiss her little cheeks! And i cannot believe she is one month old already - time is going way way too fast!! Luv Donna

  3. Far out a month already!!! She's ADORABLE Kathy!
    Much love,
    Lus x


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